Claudio Rosa
Infrastructure Director
Nas Ondas
Cláudio Rosa is graduate in Mechanical Engineering by CEFET RJ - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca, pos-graduate in Network Service Management by Universidade Federal Fluminense and pos-graduate in Smart Cities by Universidade Federal Fluminense.
In his professional life, Cláudio Rosa have some spotlights:
1. In the Brazilian Navy, in IBM Mainframe with VM/VSE, he designed the SNA Network to connect the major Brazilian Nave Datacenters. 1986-1994 – Support Analyst
2. In the Multiterminais Alfandegados do Brazil, he designed and implemented: 1996-1999 – Operation Manager
a. Mercedes-Benz Dry Port in Juiz de Fora - MG.
b. Santos Brazil Container Port in Santos – SP
3. The startup process, he designed and implement one first Multimedia Datacenter, with one of the first and largest Media Streaming Service for the Big Brother Brazil. 1999-2001 – Telecomunication and Security Coordenator
4. In the Westcon-Nortel Networks, he design, implement and tranning, at DATAPREV and Bradesco Bank a DataCenters Load Balance 2004-2010 – Infrastructure Network Engineer
5. In VALE Mining Company, he designed and implemented:
a. a Global Content Delivery Network for Webcast based on streaming and content delivery acceleration.
b. A Global MPLS Network
c. A new architecture for Wireless Networks:
i. Wifi
ii. LoRa/LoRaWAN
iii. LTE
d. In Amsterdam at The This Conference, a firt seed of LoRAWAN was discovered as a open source network protocol
e. A IoT innovation for Industrial implementation as Smart Rolls to support conveyor belt, and people tracking
6. In Nas Ondas,
a. At Centro de Operações da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, he was one of winners of the III Chalenge with the subject: “How to give support for people in Urban Emergencies without Internet Communications?”
i. Using a Smart Weather Station with LoRa
b. He designed and implemented:
i. An electrical measurement IoT solution for Smart Building
ii. A Brazil Bank measurement in Smart Building at Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul